After Shower for Sadie Derscheid
After Shower for Sadie Derscheid
She's Married!!! There will be an after shower for Sadie Derscheid in Stanwood, MI on August 24th at 1 pm. For further information, please look on the welcome center.
She's Married!!! There will be an after shower for Sadie Derscheid in Stanwood, MI on August 24th at 1 pm. For further information, please look on the welcome center.
There will be a Seniors Outing to the Crossroads Village and Huckleberry Railroad, August 29th. The Seniors will be leaving the church at 8:30 am. There will be a $15 cost and you will need money for lunch.
There will be a service and picnic hosted at Pastor and Ms. Chrissy's home, September 1st for the evening service. Meat and drinks are provided. Please bring a hot dish to pass.